WDF Logo Requirements Regarding Coinstallers
The current situation (in WLK 1.4) for WHQL-signing is:
Win7 + WDF 1.9: No coinstaller restrictions. This means that you can use any WDF 1.9 coinstaller (beta, RC, RTM, intermediate builds, etc) or you can use no coinstaller. Since the coinstaller is not used to update a Win7 system, we wanted to allow driver submissions before Win7 RTMed, so this is a temporary policy. Now that the WDF 1.9 RTM coinstallers are out, it is suggested that you use those. We might update WLK 1.4 with a QFE to make the usage of the RTM coinstallers mandatory.
Win7 + WDF 1.0-1.7: You can use either an RTM coinstaller or no coinstaller
Windows 2000-Vista + WDF 1.0-1.9: You can use any RTM WDF coinstaller or no coinstaller (of course, you need to make sure that the needed version of WDF is already inbox if you don't submit a coinstaller)
After WLK 1.5 comes out (October 2009) the WHQL-signing situation will be:
For all operating systems and all versions of WDF (1.0 - 1.9) you can use either an RTM coinstaller or no coinstaller (if you don't submit a coinstaller, then the same restrictions as above will apply).
How Can I Open a Text File as Unicode?
How Can I Open a Text File as Unicode?
with that in mind here’s a script that will open the Unicode file and correctly echo back the contents:
Const ForReading = 1
Const TriStateTrue = -1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\scripts\test.txt", ForReading,False,TriStateTrue)
strText = objFile.ReadAll
Wscript.Echo strText
USB Port busy, or not
It seems no APIs or interfaces to get the status of a USB Port (working or idle).
As workarounds, it may work to force reflush cache by unmounting and re-mounting volume or remove and rescan usb key device.
1. Flush disk cache by unmounting and re-mounting volume
2. Devcon remove "USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX" and then "devcon rescan"
Windows Auto-Sleep
Sleep Idle Timeout
If a system has been idle longer than the sleep idle timeout in the power policy, Windows automatically places the system in the sleep state. Windows uses both user input and processor usage to determine if a system is idle and tracks this information over time.
Generally, applications must prevent the system from entering the sleep state while applications are performing a background task or undertaking an operation that the user expects the system to continue until the operation is complete. Applications might need to prevent the sleep idle timeout in the following scenarios:
· A media application that displays full-screen content or visualizations
· Background applications such as hard disk defragmentation or antivirus utilities while a system scan is in progress
· A media application that records television content
· An application or service that streams content to other devices on the network
· An application such as a Web browser while downloading large files from the internet or network
· Applications that synchronize content to another device or computer
When preventing the sleep idle timeout in their applications, developers must exercise caution because the user expects the system to idle to sleep if it is enabled in power policy. Therefore, applications should prevent the sleep idle timeout only when absolutely necessary.
2. System Sleep Criteria: System Sleep Criteria:
If a system has been idle longer than the sleep idle timeout in the power policy, Windows automatically places the system in the sleep state. Windows uses both user input and processor usage to determine if a system is idle and tracks this information over time.
3. Windows Auto-sleepAuto-sleep is supposed to happen during periods of inactivity. It works with system idle timer.As long as the system determines that there is user or application activity, it will not enter sleep. The system can detect certain activities, such as user input or network communications. Windows takes consider many things to determine system is idle(inactive), including
· There is no user input.
· CPU and disk utilization levels.
· The system is not running on battery power.
· No presentation program, such as a slide show or a movie player, is running.
· Things going on in the background
· If you are connected to a broadband connection, that can be picked up as possible network activity
· Audio channel not open
· Modem device not in use
· Others
Safely Remove Hardware
RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll
2. First issue CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree on the device node, and then follow up with CM_Request_Device_Eject on the device node. Note: use the device node for the USB storage device enumerated by the USB hub, not the volume device enumerated via USBSTOR.
Approach overview1. Open the device via the drive letter (\\.\d:) and issue a IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_UNIQUE_ID to obtain the unique ID for the device.2. Use the SetupDi calls to enumerate all mounted devices. Open each device (via the interfaces) and issue IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_UNIQUE_ID calls to find the mounted device that has a matching unique ID.3. Use the SetupDi calls to obtain the device node ID for the matching device. This can then be used by the CM_ calls to initiate a safe removal operation.Details1. Use CreateFile to open the drive ("\\.\d:"). Use FILE_SHARE_READ FILE_SHARE_WRITE and GENERIC_READ.2. Issue IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_UNIQUE_ID with an output buffer size of sizeof(MOUNTDEV_UNIQUE_ID). The request will fail, but will return a copy of the MOUNTDEV_UNIQUE_ID structure with the UniqueIdLength field filled in. Check the count of bytes returned (should be >= sizeof MOUNTDEV_UNIQUE_ID) to be sure that the required buffer size was returned.3. Allocate a new buffer of size sizeof(MOUNTDEV_UNIQUE_ID) plus the value of UniqueIdLength returned by the previous call.4. Issue IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_UNIQUE_ID with the new output buffer and size. The call should succeed.5. Call SetupDiGetClassDevs( &MOUNTDEV_MOUNTED_DEVICE_GUID, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE) to obtain a device info object representing mounted storage devices.6. Repeatedly call SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( dev_info, NULL, &MOUNTDEV_MOUNTED_DEVICE_GUID, index, &interface_data) to examine each interface.a. Call SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail to obtain the interface detail, including a device path that can be passed to CreateFile.b. Use CreateFile to open the device (interface_detail->DevicePath).c. Issue IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_UNIQUE_ID with an output buffer size of sizeof(MOUNTDEV_UNIQUE_ID). The request will fail, but will return a copy of the MOUNTDEV_UNIQUE_ID structure with the UniqueIdLength field filled in. Check the count of bytes returned (should be >= sizeof MOUNTDEV_UNIQUE_ID) to be sure that the required buffer size was returned.d. Allocate a new buffer of size sizeof(MOUNTDEV_UNIQUE_ID) plus the value of UniqueIdLength returned by the previous call.e. Issue IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_UNIQUE_ID with the new output buffer and size. The call should succeed.f. Compare the unique ID of the device with the unique ID found in step 4. If they match, we found the SetupDi device instance equivalent of the drive letter.7. Call SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId to obtain the device instance ID of the device, which can then be used in calls to the CM_ APIs.Additional items1. When initiating a safe removal for a USB storage device, the removal should be done for the root of the device, which generally seems to be of class "USB" (as opposed to USB store). The function CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property can be used to query the device class. If the device is not of class USB, then navigate to the parent using CM_Get_Parent. When a device instance of class "USB" is reached, that can be used as the target for a safe removal operation.2. Alternatively, rather than checking device classes, the app can check for known good hardware IDs or compatible IDs, and keep walking up the tree until it finds one it can work with.
Test an unsigned driver on Vista 64
Installing an Unsigned Driver during Development and Test
By default, 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and later versions of Windows will load a kernel-mode driver only if the kernel can verify the driver signature. However, this default behavior can be disabled to facilitate early driver development and non-automated testing. Developers can use one of the following mechanisms to temporarily disable load-time enforcement of a valid driver signature. However, to fully automate testing of a driver that is installed by Plug and Play (PnP), the catalog file of the driver must be signed. Signing the driver is required because Windows Vista and later versions of Windows display a driver signing dialog box for unsigned drivers that require a system administrator to authorize the installation of the driver. This PnP driver installation behavior cannot be disabled on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
How to work-around to install and load unsigned driver on Vista64?
1. To install unsigned dirver.
gpedit.msc -> User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation
->Code signing for device drivers.
2. To disable load-time signature enforcement for a kernel mode driver.
- Use F8 Advanced Boot Option. This setting does not persist across system restarts
- Attach a Kernel Debugger to Disable Signature Verification
Overview of Signing and Install Process
Kernel-Mode Code Signing Requirements for Public Release of a Driver
Windows Vista 64-bit Versions
The kernel-mode code signing policy requires that a kernel-mode driver be signed as follows:
? A kernel-mode boot-start driver must have an embedded Software Publisher Certificate (SPC) signature. This applies to any type of PnP or non-PnP kernel-mode boot-start driver.
? A non-PnP kernel-mode driver that is not a boot-start driver must have either a catalog file with an SPC signature or the driver file must include an embedded SPC signature.
? A PnP kernel-mode driver that is not a boot-start driver must have either an embedded SPC signature, a catalog file with a WHQL release signature, or a catalog file with an SPC signature. Although the kernel-mode code signing policy does not require that the catalog file of a PnP driver be signed, PnP device installation treats a driver as signed only if the catalog file of the driver is also signed.
Test Unit Ready (TUR)
The SCSI Test Unit Ready command is used to determine if a device is ready to transfer data (read/write). The device will then return either good status or a check condition
SCSI communication takes place between an initiator and a target. The initiator sends a command to the target which then responds. SCSI commands are sent in a Command Descriptor Block (CDB). At the end of the command the target returns a Status Code byte which is usually 00h for success, 02h for a Check Condition (error), or 08h for busy.
When the target returns a Check Condition in response to a command, the initiator usually then issues a SCSI Request Sense command in order to obtain more information.
To check the status of a backup device, Plug and Play sends a Test Unit Ready request to the device every second
独孤九剑 中国富豪掘金招式大放送
身上有赌徒气质的中国民营企业家有一大批,但他们中间最大的赌徒是史玉柱。十几年来史一直是中国经济界的风云人物。在20世纪90年代初至90年代中期的中国10大富豪榜上,史还是惟一一位靠知识发家的富豪。史的老家在安徽怀远。1984年史从浙江大学数学系毕业,分配至安徽省统计局。因工作出色,1986年安徽统计局认为史人才难得,将其列入干部第三梯队送至深圳大学软件科学管理系读研究生,毕业回来即是稳稳的处级干部。一般人皆认为史官运亨通,前程似锦,但到深圳后开阔了眼界,同时为深圳“遍地金钱”所打动的史玉柱,深大研究生毕业后所做的第一件事竟是辞职。为此遭到了领导、亲人的一致反对,但史义无反顾,很快带着其在读研究生时开发的M-6401桌面文字处理系统返回深圳。重返深圳的史一贫如洗,只能借宿于深大学生宿舍,买不起电脑编写程序,便采用“瞒天过海”之手法冒充深大学生混入学生计算机实验室,被管理人员发现驱逐后,史又通过熟人来到配置有电脑的学校办公室,别人下班他上班,天天苦干到凌晨。1989年夏,史自认自己开发的M-6401桌面文字处理系统作为产品已经成熟,便用手中仅有的4000元承包下天津大学深圳电脑部。该部虽名之为电脑部却没有一台电脑,仅有一张营业执照。当时深圳电脑价格最便宜一台也要8500元。为了向客户演示、宣传产品,史决定赌一把,以加价1000元的代价获得推迟付款半个月的“优惠”,赊得一台电脑。以此方式,如史在半月之内没有收入,不能付清电脑款项,不但赊购之电脑需要交回,1000元押金也将鸡飞蛋打。为了尽快打开软件销路,史想到了打广告。他再下赌注,以软件版权做抵押,在《计算机世界》上先做广告后付款,推广预算共计17550元。1989年8月2日,史在《计算机世界》上打出半个版的广告,“M-6401,历史性的突破。”广告刊出后,史天天跑邮局看汇款单,整个人几乎为之疯狂。直到第13天头上,史终于收到汇款单,不是一笔,而是同时来了数笔。史长出一口气。此后,汇款便如雪片一般飞来,至当年9月中旬,史的销售额就已突破10万元。史付清全部欠帐,将余下的钱重新投向广告宣传,4个月后,M-6401桌面文字处理系统的销售额突破100万元。这是史的第一桶金。此后,史再接再厉,又陆继开发出M-6402,一直到M-6405汉卡,获得巨大成功。但史也为此付出惨重代价,连妻子亦与其离婚。史在成功开发M系列汉字处理系统以后,见房地产和保健品有利可图,又开始转移阵地做房地产和保健品,开发脑黄金,一直到“巨人事件”出现,史玉柱大厦将倾,又东山再起。史于1993年获珠海第二届科技重奖特等奖,珠海市政府奖励其奥迪轿车1辆,三室一厅103平方米住房一套,奖金63万元,引起全国轰动。史从打广告中尝到甜头,以后以高密度广告轰炸为主要特点的“史氏营销学”,一直贯穿史玉柱商业活动的始终,并在国内企业界风行一时。三株的吴炳新、爱多的胡志标、秦池的王卓胜、姬长孔、哈慈的郭立文等等,都是从史玉柱处偷师学艺,有的还加以了发扬光大。凭心而论,史此套以广告为中心的营销哲学,至今在国内仍有一定市场和一定实用价值,尤其是对那些单项产品产出利润不高,需要依靠巨额销售量才能保证利润的产品,如各类保健品、日用百货产品、食品、家用电器等等,功效更是立竿见影。史可称为国内“广告轰炸学”的开山鼻祖。从史玉柱处“偷招”,成全了中国一大批民营企业家,也戕害了中国一大批民营企业家。后来三株、秦池、爱多等等都遭致了和巨人一样的命运,但是比史玉柱更惨的是,史还有东山再起的一天,胡志标、王卓胜、姬长孔等人,却至今不知踯躅何方。 分析史玉柱的创业经历,给人最深刻印象的不是他的广告轰炸,而是他的赌性。在史玉柱的创业经历中,赌性在其中起了重要作用。在张思民、吴志剑等人的身上,我们也都能看到一样的赌性。《科学投资》发现,“赌性”较强几乎是所有有所成就的创业者的一个共性。《科学投资》认为,“赌性”与创业的关系,值得进一步研究。
北京建昊集团董事长袁宝今年只有36岁。袁幼时家境贫寒。袁自述:“兄妹五人,全靠父亲一个人的工资养活全家。有时穷得连衣服都穿不起,就盼着开运动会,那样就有希望获奖。上大学后,不忍心哥哥打工来供学费,便一面读书,一面帮别人推销产品,帮教授抄稿,在校园摆摊卖书,维持基本的生计。工作后,还在节假日期间内写字卖钱,那时候太穷了,不得不想办法来补贴家用。一直到后来的下海,都是为穷所逼。”袁毕业于中国政法大学,毕业后分配至中国建设银行。为了脱贫,1992年,袁辞去“好不得容易得来”的在建设银行的工作,到北京怀柔注册建昊实业发展公司,创业资金为多方筹得20万元。袁下海后,在资金不足,又乏门路的情况下,将目光首先瞄向了大专院校和科研院所的大量科研成果。袁认为在大专院校和科研院所那些经过论证和鉴定之后就束之高阁、沉睡不醒的科研成果中,埋藏着取之不尽、用之不竭的宝藏。袁采取苦行僧的做法,仿照推销员,先是一家一家地敲企业的门,将有技术需求的企业名单和及其所需之技术种类记录在案,再找到各个大学和研究机构,买断相关科研成果,再卖给需要这些成果的企业。 在拼缝的过程中,袁也一直留意着适合自己的项目。他很快相中一个项目。这个项目现在的名字叫做“小黑麦”,其实是一个基因工程,能够将种子基因进行排序。袁认为此技术远远高过于现在热门的克隆技术。袁相中“小黑麦”技术后,决心将之实现产业化。“产业化这个是文明的称呼,其实,当时就是租地卖种子,就是去当农民。”“小黑麦”成为袁的建昊公司所做第一个实业项目。半年后,“小黑麦”成熟,麦种很快占领全国市场,当年获利200多万元,成为袁的第一桶金。以后袁将这第一桶金善加使用,通过收购和买卖企业,其实是另一种形式的拼缝,迅速将事业做大。袁32岁时获得世界传媒集团举办的“世界创业者大奖”,为我国获此奖项的第一人。袁的工作经历和创业经历,使其精于资本运作。袁31岁时就当上了上市公司的董事长,是当时全国最年轻的上市公司董事长。袁目前个人身家据悉高达37亿元人民币,堪称《福布斯》漏网富豪。袁的创业手法在目前中国的现实情况下,具有巨大的现实意义,可供所有创业者借鉴、参考。拼缝不仅可应用于企业与科研院所之间的技术交流,同样可应用于地区与地区之间的商品交流,甚至资本交流。张树新败走瀛海威后,带领自己的一支新团队,游走于投资方与融资方之间,专做资本拼缝。张自承,数月之内,团队的每位成员就又都重新完成了一次资本原始积累。拼缝之大有可为,由此可见一斑。当然,张的个人能力众所周知,寻常人难以望其项背。张能做的事未必其他人都能够做。资本拼缝极其复杂。就算是张本人,亦觉得做资本拼缝太累人,在通过做资本拼缝赚到足够的本钱后,也开始谋求脱离拼缝生涯,专力于IT业投资。对于一般人来说,资本拼缝更困难,但资本拼缝做不了,其他的拼缝还是可以尝试的。做拼缝的首要条件和关键条件是掌握信息。
广东人喜欢喝老火靓汤,生意场上却讲究喝头啖汤。所谓头啖汤,就是第一拨儿出锅的汤。头啖汤好喝,鲜,最重要的是,喝头啖汤得起早,不能起早的人没法儿跟你抢。喝头啖汤有讲究,不但产品的头啖汤好喝,技术的头啖汤、资源的头啖汤都一样好喝。原爱必得创始人、现北大天正总裁黄斌在中关村头一拨儿喝上攒机这碗汤,与他前后脚的还有联想的柳传志、达因集团的张璨,后两者现在发得都比黄斌大。柳传志是带着一拨儿人干,黄斌和张璨开始却都是单打独斗。从1993年6月,黄就在中关村颐宾楼与人合租了一个小门脸儿攒机,当时黄只有3000块钱的本儿。开始时因为不熟悉情况,第一笔20多万元的生意就做赔了。当时长春来了一个用户买机器,黄报了一个价,用户很惊异,觉得在中关村能找到这么好的价格,而且服务也不错。谁知是黄把价儿报错了,等接单后,黄准备大干一场时,才发现自己是以低于成本价来报价的,算下来这单生意要亏1万多元。黄当时面临两种选择,要么告诉客户算错价格,要求加钱;要么找个借口,推掉这笔生意。在仔细权衡之后,黄以做生意一定要讲信誉说服自己,咬着牙把这笔单子做下来。谁知这一来倒成全了他。真是塞翁失马,焉知非福。这个长春客户没想到在中关村还能找到那么便宜的机器,而且质量、服务都不错。大概1个月后,这位东北老哥就又给黄下了个100台的单子。那时中关村电脑配件的行情也像现在这样变化多端,配件价格降下来后,黄把这100台的单子做完,平白赚了10几万。从1993年6月到1993年年底,短短半年时间,黄靠攒电脑就挣到了50万元。黄将这50万视为自己淘得的第一桶金。2001年《福布斯》中国富豪排名第40位的张璨也是这样。黄是攒电脑,张则是整台倒电脑。后来黄也明白了这个道理,成立爱必得电脑公司做整机,但已经比张慢了一大步,所以,如今张已进入了富豪行列,黄则还只能算是一个富翁。1992年,北大“结业”的张与丈夫拉起达因公司,借了300万,南下广州倒电脑,2万块钱一台的电脑到北京可以卖2万3,一台电脑就可以净赚3000元,堪称暴利。张因此一上手就赚了上百万。在这个问题上,张比黄高明,但柳传志又比张高明。柳传志不但攒电脑、倒电脑,还用联想的牌子自己做电脑,所以,柳的事业做得又比张大得多。同样是一道头啖汤,黄、张、柳各自喝出了不同的境界,也喝出了不同的结果,这是一个很有趣的故事,值得玩味。 除了产品头啖汤外,资源头啖汤、技术头啖汤,甚至概念头啖汤的味道都不错。近几年,卖概念的“人才”集中出现于IT界,虽然投资者亏得直嘬牙花子,但是这并不妨碍出卖概念者在富豪豪榜上拥有一席之地。头啖汤是永远可喝,永远好喝的,关键是你要有眼光,知道在哪里能够找得到头啖汤,而且知道怎样才能将这头啖汤喝到嘴里。否则的话,拿着个碗乱跑,只能让人把你当成个要饭的。
以尹这种手法进行创业起步的中国富豪不在少数,此手法后来颇遭人非议。有人认为这是国有资产流失,也有人认为这是不正当竞争。有意思的是,一些被“损害”的企业后来察觉其中价值,反过来搞贴牌生产,创造出双赢局面,也有一些企业因为贴牌而将自己贴进了阴沟里,如北京的双合盛五星啤酒。 还有一种形式的借东风,即为大企业搞配套生产,或者像思科那样,为互联网站提供设备,为某种形式的社会或技术热潮提供外围服务,借此发财,俗称卖水。给大企业搞配套生产这种形式在珠三角以及长江三角洲等外资企业集中的地方非常常见。此形式风险小而见效快,收入稳定有保障,对实力不济,正处起步阶段的创业者来说,具有非常价值。
How to remove phantom/ghost devices
- What is phantom devices
Hidden, inactive deives, ghost devices. When a device is physically removed from a machine, the driver becomes a phantom and is no longer visible in Device Manager. Normally this is desirable, but can be a problem if you wish to remove the device driver.
- How to identify and remove phantom devices in device manager (manually)?
do the following:
1. From the command prompt on the problem media server, run:C:\>set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1C:\>start devmgmt.msc
2. Then, select View from the drop down and select to Show Hidden Devices.At this point, any ghost tape devices will be seen with lighter, transparent icon and can be removed. This is done by right-clicking the ghost tape device and selecting "Uninstall".
- How to do this programming...
devcon command works!
Find * FindAll * Remove "@hwid"
Here is a script works...
Run program as Local System Account
This article which demonstrates the use of PSTools from SysInternals which was acquired by Microsoft in July, 2006. I launched the command line and issued the following statement and suddenly I was running under the Local System Account like magic:
psexec -i -s cmd.exe
PSTools worked great.
To ignore a device's serial number
During device testing, we attach many devices that are identical except for the serial numbers. How can I prevent Windows from asking to install a new driver every time a device is attached?
This method causes Windows 2000 and XP to ignore a device's serial number. It's recommended for test environments only.
This registry key controls whether Windows uses or ignores device serial numbers:
It's possible to ignore all serial numbers, though this approach is NOT recommended. To ignore all serial numbers, in the above key, change this value to zero:
GlobalDisableSerNumGen = 1
To ignore the serial number for an individual device, create an entry under the above ...\UsbFlags key. The name must
start with "IgnoreHWSerNum" followed by the vendor and product ID of the device. A value of 1 = disable the serial number.
Example (Vendor ID = 0925h, Product ID = 016Ah):
IgnoreHWSerNum0925016A= 1
Get installed hotfixes
- Here is a command: wmic qfe list full
- On XP, go to the registry directly:
Instances of this class represent updates found in two places in the registry:-
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\Hotfix
- On Vista, the registry doesn't exist any more. Try the WMI Class: Win32_QuickFixEngineering Class http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394391(VS.85).aspx
MaximumTransferSize is oboslete after Win2000
1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms790486.aspx
2. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms793357.aspx
"CTS" is not supported by USBSer.sys?
The RTS/CTS hardware handshaking is not implemented in usbser.sys.
Layered Driver Architecture
Layered Driver Architecture
Windows operating systems support a layered driver architecture. Every device is serviced by a chain of drivers, typically called a driver stack. Each driver in the stack isolates some hardware-dependent features from the drivers above it.
The following figure shows the types of drivers that could potentially be in a driver stack for a hypothetical device. In reality, few (if any) driver stacks contain all these types of drivers.
Layered Driver Architecture
As the preceding figure shows:
Above the driver stack is an application. The application handles requests from users and other applications, and calls either the Win32 API or a routine that is exposed by the user-mode client driver.
A user-mode client driver handles requests from applications or from the Win32 API. For requests that require kernel-mode services, the user-mode client driver calls the Win32 API, which calls the appropriate kernel-mode client or support routine to carry out the request. User-mode client drivers are usually implemented as dynamic-link libraries (DLL). Printers support many operations that can be performed in user mode, and so typically have user-mode clients; disks and other storage devices, networks, and input devices do not.
A kernel-mode client driver handles requests similar to those handled by the user-mode client, except that these requests are carried out in kernel mode, rather than in user mode.
A device class and miniclass driver pair provides the bulk of the device-specific support. The class driver supplies system-required but hardware-independent support for a particular class of device. Class drivers are typically supplied by Microsoft.
A miniclass driver handles operations for a specific type of device of a particular class. For example, the battery class driver supports common operations for any battery, while a miniclass driver for a vendor's UPS device handles details unique to that particular device. Miniclass drivers are typically supplied by hardware vendors.
A corresponding port driver (for some devices, this is a host controller or host adapter driver) supports required I/O operations on an underlying port, hub, or other physical device through which the device attaches. Whether any such drivers are present depends on the type of device and the bus to which it eventually connects.
All driver stacks for storage devices have a port driver. For example, the SCSI port driver provides support for I/O over the SCSI bus.
For USB devices, a hub and host controller driver pair perform the duties of the port driver. These drivers handle I/O between the devices on the USB bus and the bus itself.
A corresponding miniport driver handles device-specific operations for the port driver. For most types of devices, the port driver is supplied with the operating system, and the miniport driver is supplied by the device vendor.
At the bottom of the figure is the hardware bus driver. Microsoft supplies bus drivers for all the major buses as part of the operating system. You should not attempt to replace these drivers.
Network drivers have their own unique terminology, defined in Windows 2000 and Later Network Architecture and the OSI Model. Nevertheless, network drivers are similarly layered, and each layer isolates device-specific or protocol-specific functionality from the layer above it.
Exactly which drivers are present, and what they are called, depends on the type of device and the bus to which it connects.
Graphics cards, for example, require a display driver, a video port driver, and a video miniport driver. The display driver is analogous to the kernel-mode client driver in the previous figure. It provides general drawing capabilities and can often work with more than one graphics card. The video port driver supports device-independent graphics operations. It works in tandem with the video miniport driver, which provides functionality that is specific to one graphics card (or a family of graphics cards). The paired video port/miniport drivers are analogous to the port/miniport drivers in the figure, and no class/miniclass drivers are present. For more information, see Display Architecture.
For simplicity, filter drivers are not shown in the previous figure. However, a filter driver can fit in at any layer of the driver stack above the hardware bus driver. A filter driver adds value to an existing driver by "filtering" — intercepting and manipulating device I/O. As a general rule, filter drivers do not operate the hardware directly, but work only on data and I/O requests passed to them from the next-higher or next-lower driver.
DirectShow, the Microsoft software for video capture, includes system-supplied filter drivers that run in user mode. These filters act as clients of the kernel-mode stream class driver to expose the underlying video capture technology.